Business Performance & Capability Lab (BPCL)
The Business Performance & Capabilities Lab, led by Dr Tom Pfefferkorn, is designed for impactful, practice-oriented research around the measurement and management of business performance capabilities.

Our Mission and Vision
Our Mission is to engage and collaborate with Scottish businesses from the private and public sectors in collaborative research to investigate and develop solutions to their challenges in measuring and managing business performance and capabilities.
Our Vision is to be a practice-led, interdisciplinary research platform that develops practically useful and theoretically sound knowledge in measuring and managing business performance and capabilities.

Our BPCL initiatives
Organise Quarterly Roundtable with Lab Partners (business/academia/policy) to discuss emerging business trends and challenges when measuring/managing business performance and capabilities.
Publish Quarterly Roundtable Report, including discussion summary; provision of potential and practical solutions; and recommendations for collaborative research projects to develop novel solutions to improve business performance and capabilities
Conducting empirical research to impact business practice
Developing Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) projects with Lab partners
Publish Impact Case Studies from working collaboratively with industry partners