Net Zero Community Hub
Where to start with tackling climate change? With the magnitude and difficulties of the challenge and the volume of information...
What are we doing?
Climate Action Framework
Our Climate Action Framework is formalising the actions we can take to address our own carbon footprint as an institution. Our five campuses have very different footprints. Our most recent, environmentally-designed campuses in Dubai and Malaysia are our flagship buildings in terms of sustainability.
Our Framework is detailed and practical, not just aspirational and inspirational words, and it will address our biggest challenges as an institution, to reach net zero. Watch this space, the framework will be published by summer 2024.
Our commitments include a new Climate Advocacy Course, providing participants with an understanding of the causes and impacts of everyday activities on greenhouse gas emissions, and what this means for global climate change. By engaging with our students, staff and wider communities in the drive for a more sustainable future we acknowledge and respond to a need for embedding behavioural change. The course is being co-developed with our staff and students, highlighting our own contributions to sustainability and sharing small changes everyone can choose to make.
Net Zero Community Hub
To inspire and support our local and global communities, we're creating a focal point for sustainability, a one-stop source of inspiration, information and advice:
- providing a platform for continued collaboration
- evidencing the progress of our sustainability commitments
- engaging on the personal sustainability commitments we make as individuals
- showcasing our research, innovation and partnerships
- highlighting our sustainable construction technologies and innovations like the K-Briq.
By encouraging even small changes across our community, we can make a big difference.
Enterprising Research
As a research-intensive university, renowned for our expertise in engineering, decarbonisation and energy transition, we are uniquely placed to help accelerate solutions. We’re collaborating in hundreds of projects including:
- Leading the UK Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC), that is the focal point of the green transformation in the UK’s industrial heartlands. Powered by research and innovation and funded by UKRI, IDRIC develops innovative decarbonisation solutions at pace and scale in the places where it matters most. Learn more about IDRIC
- Our expertise in decarbonisation, energy and the circular economy is already accelerating the race to net zero. Now we direct our world-leading research though the prism of our new global research institute, focused on achieving net zero and beyond. Learn more about iNetZ+
- The Islands Centre for Net Zero aims to put the Orkney Islands at the forefront of the transition to net zero and support thriving sustainable communities through the development and implementation of Orkney as a living lab. Learn more about the Islands Centre for Net Zero.
What can you do?
If you represent a local community, industry or have any involvement in sustainability activities, and would like to make suggestions for the Net Zero Community Hub, please contact us on the email below.
Key information
Sustainable suggestions!