Post-DSA Needs Assessment Guidance

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with the essential information needed so you know what to expect after you have approved the recommendations made by your needs assessor for DSA funding. The following list summarises the different stages:

  • Stage 1: Needs assessment carried out and completed
  • Stage 2: DSA application and needs assessment uploaded to SAAS
  • Stage 3: DSA application outcome
  • Stage 4: Purchase recommended items, access support, and arrange training
  • Stage 5: Submit receipts to SAAS
  • Stage 6: Re-application submitted each year for continuing students

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We have provided some answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the process after your needs assessment has taken place:

What happens after I approve the recommendations made by my needs assessor?

Once you have approved the recommendations, your Disability Advisor will submit your DSA application form, medical evidence and needs assessment report to SAAS. A copy of your finalised needs assessment report will be emailed to you at this stage to confirm it has been uploaded.

When can I expect to hear from SAAS?

SAAS aim to process your application within 21 days of receipt, although it can take longer during busy periods (typically from August to December). SAAS will email you directly with their decision. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR CONTACT DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE. To do this, you can log in to your SAAS account.

SAAS also provide weekly updates online so you can check when they are processing applications, although you may hear from SAAS sooner.

What do I do if I have not heard from SAAS about my application beyond 21 days?

In the first instance, you can contact SAAS directly: 0300 555 0505. You will be asked for your unique SAAS reference number. You can also email directly with enquiries:

All communication post-assessment about your application should be directed to your Disability Advisor via email.

What do I do when I receive my DSA approval email from SAAS?

We strongly advise that you forward on this email to your Disability Advisor so that they can update your record and ensure that you have access to any 1-to-1 support that has been recommended.

Once SAAS have approved my DSA funding, what do I do next?

As outlined above, forwarding your approval email on to your Disability Advisor is recommended. If you have opted for Heriot-Watt to be your supplier, then your DSA software and equipment will already have been ordered by your Disability Advisor (unless otherwise specified by them). Your Needs Assessment report details the support/training, software and equipment that has been recommended. 

If you have chosen to order your DSA items yourself, included in your report is a quote from a supplier along with their contact details.

As you are ordering the equipment yourself, you must wait for SAAS approval and the funding to be released into your bank account before purchasing any items, as SAAS do not reimburse students who have already purchased equipment and software.

There is more information regarding self-purchasing your DSA items on our ‘Your Needs Assessment’ webpage.

What is the process for upgrading from Windows to MacBook?

HWU is a Windows-based university and all computers recommended through DSA will have Windows as their operating system.  If you are a student who has only used a MacBook before and you are more comfortable with this platform, then you may have a preference to upgrade your recommended Windows machine to a MacBook.

HWU cannot act as supplier in this instance, so please speak to your Disability Advisor about your responsibilities when self-purchasing.

You can upgrade to a Mac product through the suppliers’ website directly - please see your needs assessment report for the company information in the quote section. Remember to refer to the upgrading process available on the ‘Your Needs Assessment’ webpage for full information on your responsibilities when self-purchasing.

If you choose to purchase your Mac product through Apple directly, please ensure you purchase the correct length of time for the AppleCare warranty - also be aware that this is only a warranty, and you will still need to purchase insurance for your device. Please note that it may not be possible to purchase insurance from the assistive technology equipment company listed on your needs assessment report unless you purchase the MacBook from them directly. If this is the case, you will need to purchase gadget insurance for your MacBook to cover accidental damage, loss, and theft of the device. It is important to note that this may involve paying an excess for any claim you end up making for the device.

You should be aware when purchasing a Mac product that Mac versions of certain software packages do not have as many features as the Windows versions (Inspiration and Texthelp Read&Write are examples of this).  Also, Microsoft systems are used throughout the university so almost all networked PC’s are Windows, including most course software.

If you have any further questions, please contact your Disability Advisor.

What if I want to use a different supplier?

You can use different suppliers for software and equipment, should you choose. If you decide to order from multiple suppliers, the information on self-purchasing still applies, but you will have to collate and provide SAAS with multiple receipts for each of the items listed on your Needs Assessment quote.

Remember that all items listed on the quote must be purchased and a receipt provided otherwise SAAS may request the full DSA award be refunded to them.

Do I arrange the 1-to-1 support or recommended training?

Support will be listed in full on your needs assessment report and this can include proof reading, study skills support or mental health mentoring for example. Your Disability Advisor will add your details onto the list for the 1-to-1 support recommended and you will hear from our Student Wellbeing Assistants on how you can book your appointments.

It is recommended that you wait until you have the software and equipment delivered and downloaded before you commence your software training. If it is the software company who are your training provider, then you can mention this to them when purchasing your equipment and software and they will arrange your first training session for you. Contact details are also listed on your Needs Assessment report for you to book your training.

If Heriot-Watt is recommended for training, then please email our Assistive Technology Advisor; Arran Brown who can arrange your training:

If you are unsure on how to access your training, please email your Disability Advisor.

What do SAAS need from me after I have received my DSA funding?

Please remember to send on a copy of your DSA approval email to your Disability Advisor.

If you are self-purchasing, you must purchase all items recommended and provide receipts to SAAS, as per the guidance on their website.

Purchases should also be made within term time, where possible.

SAAS also provides guidance on how to upload receipts on their website.

If you do not purchase any of the recommended equipment or purchase it at a lower cost, you must return any funds not spent as recommended.  You can make a payment online or contact SAAS at for more details, quoting your SAAS reference number.

If you are struggling to upload receipts, please let your Disability Advisor know who can help you to do this.

Do I apply for DSA funding again?

Yes, if you are a continuing student. All SAAS funding needs to be applied for every academic year (this includes any tuition funding, loans, or bursaries). The Disability Service will send out reminder emails about doing this at various points across the summer before term starts again in September. If you want to have access to your ongoing 1-to-1 support, or consumables allowance then you will need to complete the DSA application form each year. More information and a copy of the form can be found on the SAAS website.

What if my circumstances change?

Discuss this with your Disability Advisor in the first instance. However, SAAS advise that you contact them as soon as possible as this may affect your eligibility for DSA funding.

What are consumables and how do I provide receipts to SAAS?

DSA can be used to cover the cost of “consumables items” such as paper, ink and photocopying on campus if a student incurs additional charges as a direct result of their disability. If your needs assessor has recommended this, they will have awarded funds for this. On approval of your DSA funding, SAAS will release the money for consumables into your bank account. You must keep the receipts for any spending that you make on ink, paper and printing top-ups on campus as SAAS request proof of funds spent. Receipts for consumable items can be submitted over the course of the academic year, or retained and submitted at the end of the academic year. You can submit these on the SAAS portal or by email. If you do not use all of your consumable allowance, or cannot provide receipts, SAAS may ask you to return any residual funds. You can re-apply for consumables allowance for each year of your studies.

My question has not been answered, what do I do now?

You should contact your Disability Advisor, or the Disability Service mailbox (, and a member of the team will be able to help you.