Welcome from the Provost

Welcome from Professor Mushtak Al-Atabi, Provost,  CEO and Vice Principal of Heriot-Watt University Malaysia.

I am delighted to welcome you to Heriot-Watt University Malaysia in Putrajaya.

At Heriot-Watt we are known for the quality of our teaching, research and our partnership with our students. We are continuing this at our Malaysia Campus, providing an excellent education and student experience on-campus.

In this unrivalled setting you can choose from a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in key areas of importance to the Malaysian economy, with excellent employment potential, including Engineering, Actuarial Science, Construction, Accounting, Psychology and Business Management.

We offer direct entry into our undergraduate degrees, or our Foundation Programmes provide the ideal preparation for degree entry.

With the same undergraduate programmes offered at our Edinburgh and Dubai campuses, you can choose to benefit from an international experience during your studies by transferring for part of your degree.

We welcome students from Malaysia and beyond, local and international, and offer a range of scholarships designed to encourage excellence and extend opportunities to everyone with the ability and ambition to benefit from a Heriot-Watt University degree.

We have a long-standing relationship with South East Asia and strong links with Malaysia. Our first Malaysian student graduated from our Edinburgh Campus in 1967 and today we have over 4,000 alumni from Malaysia and 108,000 alumni from all over the world - a ready-made network of friends!

Choose Heriot-Watt University Malaysia and you will find that being a student here is both academically stimulating and a rewarding life experience.

Key information

Heriot-Watt University Malaysia

+60 3 8894 3888